+ Legal Working together for your business.

+ LEGAL provides to all its customers, comprehensive legal services of the highest quality professional. Our goal is to work with maximum efficiency, reliability, and always according to customer needs.

Lawyers and Consultants + LEGAL always seek to optimize the management and performance of your company, with a sincere, clear and objective labor and accounting advice, and always keep in mind the goal of complete customer satisfaction.

The perception our customers in the world of advising companies and professionals, is that they have integrated into your company an accounting and financial-legal work department, prosecutor.


+ Legal differently by:

The direct and personal treatment we offer.

The high qualified professionals.

Preventive and advance to customer problems advice.

Continuous training of our staff.

Continued investments in technology that streamlines processes and allows more.


+ LEGAL group, is a company with nationally recognized professionals, with international presence with over 15 years experience in advising and consulting for companies and individuals.

In + LEGAL provided legal advice and full legal assistance in areas of law such as civil, commercial, labor, tax and criminal. Our legal department is composed of ten lawyers and a full team of professionals with offices in Madrid and colleagues in Beijing.


In + LEGAL not remain outside the new areas of law demanded by society and our time. We have expanded the field of specialization towards sectors such as unfair competition, patents and trademarks, e-commerce, environmental law, conflict resolution or resolutions on customs traffic accidents.

Our philosophy involves comprehensive advice to customers, thanks to the evolution of the legal department to the new challenges of the world of law together with the consolidation of legal advice and assistance in traditional areas is achieved.